🌙🔮New Moon in Leo🔮🌙

August 18, 2020 at 10.42 pm EST and 26 degrees Leo

This Lunation is conjunct Mercury in Leo and sextiles the north Node creating opportunities to communicate your desires and goals tobbn others and may even be an opportunity to take a leadership role.

There is also a lovely trine between this New Moon and Mars, creating the fire needed to start new projects and set intention for long desires goals. Keep it simple and stay focused.

Although Mars is still squaring the Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter stellium in Capricorn, this new moon allows some time for self expression, joy and playfulness.

Our Card for this Lunation is:
Holy Spirit.. Tiphareth and the solar plexus. Your true self. Remember that no matter the earthly illusion, we are Godstuff and are made of pure love. All that matters is love and love makes all matter. Manifest from a place of pure love and you will always reach your goals.

Much love soul family ⭐💗

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🌙Full Moon in Aquarius🌙

August 3rd, 2020 at 11.58 AM EST at 12 degrees of Aquarius.

New Vision and new opportunity this full Aquarius Moon. Hope, change and optimism is the energy to focus on as we move through some challenging aspects.

This lunation the sun in Leo is opposite the moon in Aquarius. This is the individual ego vs. The needs of the collective. We may feel a push pull between our will and that of others.

This Lunation is squaring Uranus in Taurus. Shock, upheaval, liberation. Causing things to be unstuck. A T square (an opposition and a square)or a tense conversation an opportunity for growth but due to pressure. Anything you have been resisting will now need to change.

Mercury opposing Saturn might bring travel or news related to a challenging situation. It could be situations around this Uranus energy. So hang in there and stay centered, this too shall pass.

Our card for this Lunation is:
The 10 of Swords Reversed
Something about the Blue of Jupiter that’s drawing me in here. We are recovering from some kind of challenge (possibly the energy around this full moon) and now we are surrounded by hope and the favor of the divine. We are truly blessed. No matter how difficult something may be, and how defeated we may feel, there is a pot of gold at the end of the collective t rainbow. Stay focused on this and better days are coming.

Much love soul family ⭐💗

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🌙🔮2nd New Moon in Cancer for 2020🔮🌙

July 20, 2020 at 10.33 AM EST at 29 degrees of Cancer.

As the Sun and Moon will be conjunct in Cancer they form an opposition, or opportunity for growth in Capricorn where Jupiter and Pluto are still conjunct. Jupiter (expansion) and Pluto (transformation) are tightly connected through November of this year. Around election time ;), so change is the order of the day.

This Pluto/Jupiter conjunction squares Eris(Goddess of chaos and discord)in Aries(sign of energetic initiative)forming a cardinal cross. Uprising against existing and archaic structures like government, courts, policing, church and higher learning.

Mars in Aries will be squaring the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction on and off for 6 months.. Energized political uprisings and initiative for action. The lower octave of this could manifest as anger and violence. Something to be aware of.

On an easier note, the new moon trines Neptune in Pisces which makes for new creative and spiritual endeavors as well as SPIRITUAL AWAKENING 💗

Card of this Lunation is:
Dumah – Angel of dreams
What we see is only a manifestation of our collective dream. We are reminded here that we can dream consciously and purposefully. We are right now creating our individual and collective existence. We are guided to dream a better dream and, using the astrology at hand, build the world that we collectively want to see. Reminder that there is no I, and we are never alone. We are one. What benefits my brother/sister/non binary, also benefits me. Its not me…but We.💕🙏🙏🏿🙏🏼💕

Much love soul family ⭐💗

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🌙🔮Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 🔮🌙

July 4-5, 2020 at 12. 44 AM EST at 14 degrees of Capricorn

Full moon in Capricorn illuminates the activity of Jupiter (higher learning and expansion) and conjunct Pluto (transformation and investigation) there is a VERY POWERFUL lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. All of this squares (stressful conversation) Mars (impulse, agression and action) in his home sign of Aries where he is energized. Tension can be high. Tempers could flare and this Eclipse will have effects months to come. Keep this in mind in your interactions.
As this full moon occurs in Capricorn we see the issues of the 10th house highlighted. Government, law enforcement, institutions long in power. Saturn is visiting Capricorn again during its retrograde and joins Jupiter and Pluto bringing authority to task for its past sins.
Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn is mother and father learning from each other. A good balance of masculine and feminine energies will serve you well when navigating these turbulent times.

Our card for this Lunation is:
Is the 2 of Cups Reversed.
Disharmony and imbalance. Please remember to be both passive and assertive in your interactions. Try to remain calm and rational. Not easy in this current configuration but totally doable.

Much love soul family ♡☆

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🌙🔮New Moon in Cancer with a Solar Eclipse 🔮🌙

June 20 -21, 2020 at 0 degrees Cancer 2.41 Am EST

The new moon in Cancer is at 0 degrees..at the very onset of the season and energy of Cancer. Talk about cardinal water. This is about nurturing, protection, emotions and about the mother. The role the earth plays may be particularly important. The Retrograde planets including Mercury will impact this. Key to know: this is a turning point.

This Lunation is conjunct our collective north node at 29 degrees of Gemini. This is our collective soul’s goal. Our soul’s destiny if you will. This is about nurturing your own body and the collective body being the earth. Attention around how sustainable our current climate is with our current behavior. Same goes personally with your lifestyle choices and your health.

This solar Eclipse and Lunation occur within 24 hours of the summer solstice AND are conjunct the north Node in Gemini. A very very creative energy. Very much a turning point for all of us. Very intense. Very emotional and with Mercury retrograde, there is not alot of logic to balance out emotions. There will be misunderstandings and they will be passionate. So please be careful. Especially if you are marching.

Our card for this Lunation is:
Knight if Swords Reversed
Gemini energy on the low octave. Harsh, obstinate and confrontational. If that ain’t a warning I dont know what is.

Be safe.

Much love soul family ♡☆

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🌙New Moon in Gemini🌙

May 22, 2020 at 2 degrees Gemini 1.39 pm EST

The new moon in Gemini is a very positive, social and communicative lunation. It is Gemini being the heady sign he is. Lots of catching up on the latest news and playful games of the mind, as well as spending time in communion (at a safe distance) with friends.

This new moon trines Saturn in Aquarius which is great for thinking about and planning out long term goals. The energy is positive and mentally focused.

Our card for this Lunation is:
The Ace of Wands Upright
This card illustrates the positive energy and wonderful opportunity this trine can bring. Lots of energy and a new start on a project that is close to your heart.

Much love soul family ♡☆

🔮 🌹 👁🌙🌌‍#astrology  #tarot #selflove #happy #peace #selfgrowth  #tarotreadersofinstagram #onelove #top #inspiration  #witchesofinstagram #choosejoy #positivity  #selfcare #tarotapokolypsis #affirmations #bellydance #occult  #hereweare #hermetics  #hoodoo #columbusohio  #aghori #shakti #shiva #divination #dailydivination

🔮🌙Aries New Moon🌙🔮

March 24th 2020 at 4 degrees Aries 5.28 am EST

This Lunation is conjunct Chiron also in Aries which heralds a new and energetic beginning with a new direction in your soul’s healing and your identity. This allows you to face new challenges and embark on new goals with courage and positive self esteem.

Our card for this Lunation is:
7 of Swords Reversed
There is a reparation coming to you. Something you are owed and something that which brings to you the justice you’ve been waiting for. Your time has come. Enjoy it.

Much love soul family ♡☆

🔮 🌹 👁🌙🌌‍#astrology  #tarot #selflove #happy #peace #selfgrowth  #tarotreadersofinstagram #onelove #top #inspiration  #witchesofinstagram #choosejoy #positivity  #selfcare #tarotapokolypsis #affirmations #bellydance #occult  #hereweare #hermetics  #hoodoo #columbusohio  #aghori #shakti #shiva #divination #dailydivination

🔮🌙Full Moon in Virgo🌙🔮

March 9th 2020 at 20 degrees Virgo 7.48 am EST

This Lunation iluminates how to solve something or fix something. How to plan something in your life depending on where Virgo falls in your chart.

This full moon trines Mars, Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn. Illumination, Perfection and purification of these archetypes. Bringing many hidden things to light and transforms them with ease. Virgo is about setting standards and planning to improve these parts of your life. Often to do with the body and health.

Mercury Retrograde is stationing direct at this point and as Mercury rules Virgo this will assist in planning and problem solving and turning what you have control of around. Perhaps something that you thought was a lost cause.

The Sun and Neptune conjunct in Pisces making for a very intuitive energy. How are you working with this energy. Perhaps you can use energy to heal yourself individually and all people collectively. Take care of yourself and rest when needed.

Our card for this Lunation is the Death card in the upright position.
Prepare for transformation and purification. Allow this changing energy to mold you into the best version that you can be. That fits very well with the Full Moon In Virgo.

Much love soul family ♡☆

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🔮🌙Full Moon in Leo🌙🔮

February 9th 2020 at 20° Leo 2.33 AM EST

As it is a full moon, this means the sun and moon oppose each other. Sun in Aquarius is about the collective and the moon in Leo is about children and creative endeavors. Talking as they are you may see family plans or situations reach their culmination.
This full moon is about acting from the heart center. Very creative energy and it’s an impetus to let your true unique self be expressed. It’s a generous energy as well.

This Lunation trines Mars in Sagittarius which is great for projects , however, at 8:00 am, when the moon is void of course and is feeling both Leo and Virgo energies and making potential actions or decision null. During this time wait before acting or planning as it might be a moot point. Wait to plan and act later in the day. But do act and plan. Activate this energy and fearlessly and confidently begin new projects and goals.

Our card for this Lunation is:
4 of Wands Reversed
This full moon is a right of passage. A test of our courage and passion toward our dreams. Stay focused in this energy of drive, ambition, passion, confidence and compassion and see your dreams come to fruition.

Much love soul family ♡☆

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🌙New Moon in Aquarius 2020🌙

January 24th 2020 at 4 degrees of Aquarius

This Lunation squares Uranus, now direct, in Taurus brings big change with some mild discomfort. Both Aquarius and Taurus are fixed signs and are resistant to change making this square feel disruptive.
However, that change is made easier as Mars sextiles Mercury supporting projects and new ideas.
Great energies for new directions in life.

Our card of the Lunation is perfect for the energies at play.

5 of pentacles reversed
Mercury in Taurus odd friends and yet function as a rehabilitation and a reassessment of old ways vs. new ways. A positive response to a new direction makes for a reconnection to source from which all blessings flow.

Much love soul family ♡☆

🔮 🌹 👁🌙🌌‍#astrology  #tarot #selflove #happy #peace #selfgrowth  #tarotreadersofinstagram #onelove #top #inspiration  #witchesofinstagram #choosejoy #positivity  #selfcare #affirmations #bellydance #occult  #hereweare #hermetics  #hoodoo #columbusohio  #aghori #shakti #shiva #divination #dailydivination